Rock Paper Scissors Rumble 5
Rock Paper Scissors Rumble 5 was amazing! CHEESEBURGER and No Age blew the roof off of the EXPLX! DJs Chachin, King Ruly, and Suprema set the dance party in motion. Hosts Khamara Pettus, the Brain (and his handler Ange Venus), head ref Andy, and refs Ron and Ryan were phenomenal. Congrats to the Left Hand of Darkness on defeating Caine and taking the title. Watch GameJew's Rock! Paper! Scissors! video. Many thanks to our sponsors and affiliates.

Welcome to RPS Rumble 5!

Opening band - NO AGE

Refs Ron & Ryan

The Brain and Ange Venus

Host Khamara P. starts the RUMBLE!

Main Event - Cain vs. Left Hand of Darkness

New champ the Left Hand of Darkness

The Glowworm pays a visit.